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Writer's pictureAjohn Chen

Key of everything

造物恩准旅人一個解釋 可是解答是一件巨大的事 因為旅人要求的是全面的解答 萬物之鑰以及其相應

The God permit to offer the traveler an explanation, But to explain is a extremely messy job; since the traveler requires a total understanding, the key of everything and all it's related.

於是造物開始解答 透過一個又一個十分深入而又吸引人的故事 然後 旅人出於無心或無力自制地投入了這些故事中 在這些一個又一個十分深入的故事中流浪 又一次 再一次的成為旅人

So, God starts her or his explanation; from story to stories, which're all very deep into, which 'are so fascinating , the traveler trapped , which means he was like been throwing into the description of God's story, he traveling from a story to another and so on and so on... once again he become a traveler on his journey.

造物說 這是因為他的本性 一切萬物的解答離不開自身本性 他以他的本性來理解 而且完全忘了原來的問題 因為這問題的理解超過他的理解能力 他不可能理解的 但這不能理解的 不是不能體驗 不過體驗另外一個故事了

The God said, that's because of his nature. The key of everything can't go without his nature, inevitable that also suggest the key of everything was limited by his nature, and the traveler uses it to come to understanding, meanwhile he totally forgot what is it all about. Since that understanding is beyond his capability , now the key of everything is inapprehensible to him, however inapprehensible doesn't meant inexperienced, but to experience is another story.

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